Friday, October 28, 2011

uptown cheapskate

never heard of it? oh, it's just my new favorite store. lemme tell you: it will rock your socks off.

and i heard they were doing this modeling competition thing, so i dragged heidi down to the store and forced her to do it. well, she was willing, so there wasn't too much force going on. luckily.

this is how it works.

  • you go to the store and create an outfit using the clothes in the store.
  • the manager takes your picture and loads it on facebook.
  • on november something (15th?) they will select the top ten, and invite them to a photoshoot where they get a makeover and a bunch of free stuff (that i will make heidi share with me...)
  • then, they take those photos and open up the voting to the public. the top 3 win a national ad campaign for the store, as well as 40% off everything for an entire year. (which means i'll be making heidi buy all my clothes if she wins. which she will, cause so far she has the best picture. take a look for yourself.)

oh the quality of the managers phone.. ;)

on other news that could possibly be considered the same news, i love that jacket on heidi so much that i made her buy it for me for her for her birthday. speaking of i need to remember to pay her back for that. it's totes cute. too bad it looks like a grayish brown blob in the picture. oh, did i mention i styled her outfit? it's cute, no? it's decided that when heidi gets rich i'm going to be her personal shopper. sweetums. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

zooey deschanel by ellen von unwerth

i'm so in love with this girl. 
see the rest of her shoot here

a few new shops to look at

since my birthday is on its way, i've been keeping my eye out for new stores to brows through to find just the right things. here's a few that were too good not to share.

the first one is called dahlia fashion. they are a london based store, but they ship world-wide. i'm keeping my eye on their sale rack, lots of cute dresses.

next is urbanog. so many great pieces, but i'm especially loving their boot selection.

and these iphone cases are amazing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

burberry body

i just got my burberry body sample in the mail today. 
it smells so good.
best part? i put it on a few hours ago, and it still smells just as strong.
you wont be disappointed. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

speaking of halloween..

i want to share these little beauties with you. two saturdays ago, me and heidi got a group together and went to a haunted house! (best part is we get to go again for free!)

i just love halloween.

what i'm listening to

Sunday, October 23, 2011

i'm perfectly average

today i  got my blood pressure taken.

it was 120/80.

spot on.

and i'm oddly proud of this.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

fashion film

i just stumbled upon this (quite literally) and thought it was simply too beautiful not to share. i know it's an ad, but it is just so wonderful. i can't get over it.

this one too.
heidi came over tonight and we did some crafting and carving.

we made these little bracelets out of old t shirts and key rings. super simple and not time consuming at all. we will definitely be making more of these in the future. see how to make your own here.

and of course we had to squeeze in the pumpkin carving before halloween!
this is my first free handed jack-o-lantern and i'm mighty proud of him.

don't judge.

we also tried some glitter pumpkins that turned out super adorable but i forgot to snag a picture of them. just a little watered down glue and some pretty sparkles!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

bliss list

my bliss list {october}

finding pumpkin in everything i eat
wearing thick tights with boots
waking up with my kitty snuggled up close
driving around with friends
hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows of course)
good playlists
fall sales
reading a good book
discovering a new blog

reading list 2011

1/3  Uglies - Scott Westerfeld - 425
1/4  Pretties - Scott Westerfeld - 370
1/7  Specials - Scott Westerfeld - 372
1/10  Extras - Scott Westerfeld - 417
1/14  The Host - Stephenie Meyer - 619
1/19  The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - 374
1/22  Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins - 391
2/4  Mocking Jay - Suzanne Collins - 390
2/6  A Walk to Remember - Nicholas Sparks - 240
2/8  The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks - 390
?/?   Among the Ghosts - Amber Benson - 244
4/25  Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card - 324
5/16  City of Bones - Cassandra Clare - 485
5/22  City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare - 453
5/31  City of Glass - Cassandra Clare - 541
6/6  Harry Potter Film Wizardry - Creative Team -159
6/17  City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare - 424
8/24  Matched - Ally Condie - 366
10/6  The Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare - 479
10/19 The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - 374          
10/24 Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins - 391
10/28 Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins - 390
12/2 Crossed - Ally Condie - 367
12/5 Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher - 288             
Total = 9,273

reading list 2010

Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer - 629
Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer - 756
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - JK Rowling - 309
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - JK Rowling - 433
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban - JK Rowling - 547
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card - 226
Go Ask Alice - Anonymous - 213
That Summer - Sarah Dessen - 190
Keeping the Moon - Sarah Dessen - 228
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner - Stephenine Meyer - 178
Midnight Sun - Stephenie Meyer - 264
The Way He Lived - Emily Wing Smith - 222
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - 374
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins - 391
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - JK Rowilng - 734
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - 374
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins - 391
Mocking Jay - Suzanne Collins - 390
Mocking Jay - Suzanne Collins - 390
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins - 374
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins - 391
Mocking Jay - Suzanne Collins - 390
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - JK Rowling - 870
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - JK Rowling - 672
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling - 759
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis - 186
Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis - 216
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C.S. Lewis - 216
The Silver Chair - C.S. Lewis - 217
The Horse and His Boy - C.S. Lewis -  217
The Magicians Nephew - C.S. Lewis - 186
                                             Total= 11, 921


to say i love taking personality test would be an understatement. i spend quite a good chunk of my free time finding new tests and quizzes, exploring new things about myself and others. (yes psychology was one of my favorite classes in high school.)

today i came across one that i found really interesting, one i've never seen before. after you take the test, you can see other famous people who share your same personality type.

and let me tell you that i fan-girl screamed to find that i was in the same category as j.k. rowling, john lennon, and tim burton. i know it's nerdy, but this is the biggest self-esteem boost i've had in a while.

in case your wondering, i was found to be an infp (introverted abstract exploring feelers).

take the test and see where you fit in here.

record playing bike

possibly the coolest thing i've ever seen.

because i'm a sucker for anatomy jokes

what i'm listening to

this song has been popping up all over today, so i thought i'd share it. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

on my birthday wishlist

holga from urban

that's it. for now. 
(really all i want is the camera)


their greatest hits cd will forever be the soundtrack to my summers.

to read more about them
to listen to their music


the band that holds the title to my favorite song, yellow.

to read more about them
to listen to their music


gorgeous girl, gorgeous voice.

to read more about her
to listen to her music

ingrid michaelson

i love blasting her music in the car when i'm out for a drive with my friends.

to read more about her
to listen to her music

the beatles

no explanation needed.

read more about them
to listen to their music

regina spektor

regina spektor is a singer-songwriter whose music i have been listening to for many years now. she has such an unique style- both musically and fashion wise- and has always been such a big inspiration to me. her songs are very personal, as well as fun to sing along to. i love her quirkiness and her passion.

to read more about her
to listen to her music

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


meet christa. one of the most amazing people i've ever had the pleasure of meeting via blogging. she's funny, she's talented, and she has an amazing heart. 

her blog, mmmacs, is a beautiful photo blog, constantly changing and growing. throw in a little humor and love and that's christa.

visit her blog
follow her twitter

what i'm listening to

{un}decidedly beautiful

welcome to my little blog! here you will find all kinds of little things that make me smile, get me thinking, and most importantly, open my heart to the world. being a beautiful person starts by finding the happy things in life and surrounding yourself with them, and i hope that i can help you to create your own beautiful life.  thanks for stopping by. xo. emily