Tuesday, November 22, 2011

happy 20th birthday brooke!

{photo by heather lewin}

20 things i love about brooke:
her passion
her hair 
her humor
her love for food
her music
her talent 
her willingness
her style
her sarcasm
her smile
her funny faces
her kindness
watching youtube videos together
giving each other 'the look'
her shoe/sunglasses collections
orchestra class
super long texting conversations
pretending like we're in a band
always making plans for the future
having someone i can tell anything to. 

i love you brooke!! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


i'm not really sure how this happened. i mean...with my one lone little follower. (hi ellen) unless i have like....secret admirers. possible, but unlikely.

well, whether you be a robot or just need to keep a low profile, i welcome you.
{you know, you could say hello every once in a while...i wont tell}

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

a few photos from the last week

pancakes for dinner 

kitten loves drinking water at the sink 

new dress

painted my nails and not even an hour later they're chipped and smudged. the usual. 

i was a ravenclaw for halloween. 
{i'm really a hufflepuff. sneaky, eh?}

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

love times one hundred

one hour of cleaning.

my cats are cute.

their litter boxes? not so much

best part is that kittens favorite time to take care of business is immediately after i put new litter in. without fail.

but just look at those faces.